1. goals.

    Monday, August 15

    since school is starting in a week {gah! so soon!} i thought i might do a little goal evaluation/editing.
    as far as my summer goals go, i sort of failed. crafty? me? psh. the 5k went down the drain, seeing as not running for a month can sort of get you out of shape. and by sort of, i mean a lot. i did read some, but i still watch way too much television.

    on to new goals for school! let's see...

    1. find a new group to play with.
    {{not that my old group was bad, just half of them graduated and now i need guy friends to take me to dances. not that that's the only reason i want friends...

    2. be more outgoing.
    {{aka, raise my hand in class, talk to people i don't know, don't have any classes in which i sit in silence because i don't already know anyone. i'm so sick of being afraid to talk to people.

    3. get all a's.
    {{that will be interesting. i might have to, you know, study. legasp.

    4. limit my tv time.
    {{i am SO BAD at this. i'm always finding new shows that i feel like i need to watch. {haven and alphas, anyone?} maybe i'll cut the list down to three. project runway, glee, and doctor who. {that's still a lot. shoot.} kay. goal revision: don't watch so much tv in my free time. do something productive {or at least not brain-melting}, like study or play with friends or read a book.

    alright. that's a good list, don't you think?

    xoxo julia

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